Prannathji has dedicated all his efforts to his Guru Shri Devchandraji. In many verses in The Tartam Sagar Granth its reference can be found. In one such Prakaran of Prakash Granth he has so beautifully described the importance by trying to quantify numerically (in figures) the qualities of his Sadguru.
To give a reference to the paper, the pen and the ink, he has assumed all the plain lands, rough lands, forest land, etc of all the 14 lokas to the Vaikunth as a paper, all the trees of the 14 lokas as a pen and whole water from all the 14 lokas as ink. He says without wasting even a single drop of ink or paper he shall write in the smallest of the fonts to describe the qualities of his Sadguru.
He starts by writing a 1 (one) and then while describing the grace & importance of his Sadguru he adds a 0 (zero) by making it 10, thus he keeps describing and keeps adding zeros till he reaches a figure known as Parardh, 35 zeros after the number 1. Still not being satisfied he says even these numbers are less to describe the qualities of his Sadguru, he also says that with this worldly tongue he is unable to describe the divinity.
While reading his description it feels so privileged to get a glimpse of such great thoughts and then it also makes us realise that it is real in our cases also because only due to our Guru we have been able to understand all this. And besides that had he (Prannathji) not described it so wonderfully we would have never been able to imagine his feelings for his Sadguru.
Filled with so many good thoughts I prostrate at the feet of Nijanandacharya Shri Devchandraji Maharaj, Mahamati Shri Prannathji & My Guruji.
Let us also passionately ponder on Prannathji’s dedication and devotion for his Sadguru and learn a bit to be like him.
P.S. Prakash Granth Gujarati & Hindi – Prakaran No. 12 in both.
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